Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Harvey: Another Miracle Story

You've all probably heard about how my brother, Walden, is a miracle cat. While he was on "special assignment" at our friend Hope's house to catch a pesky rat in her kitchen, he bolted out the only open window by pushing out the screen. Then he was lost for a month. He managed to elude a cute "pet detective" and her blood hound, Ellie Mae, who searched the entire neighborhood and caught his scent but not him. (I bet he was hiding out and watching and laughed himself silly at my mom, Louise, chasing the pet detective and the bloodhound, wearing the sound detector headset and a bright orange pet rescue jacket.) Anyway, a nice couple who had seen the "Lost Cat" signs found Walden about two miles from Hope's house. They say he was on his way back to our place....but frankly, I find that a little too "Incredible Journey"-Disney-movie-ish myself. I think he was just plain lost. But, it was a happy ending for all. Here's another story with a happy ending for a dog. Enjoy.

Missing dog found nearly a week after plane crash

Somis, Calif. (AP) --
Six days after a small plane crash that killed two members of a family four, the family's missing dog was found alive by the same pair of teenage brothers who first helped the survivors.
Family friends had been searching for Lindsey, a 9-year-old Dalmation who had been on the plane but was not found at the crash site.
"We were called loonies," said Bob Jansen, who along with his wife Shirley had spent much of the week looking for Lindsey. "They told us we were searching for a dead dog."
Rene Herrera, 17, and his brother Edgar Herrera, 15, had returned to the scene 35 miles north of Los Angeles Friday to show friends the place where they had pulled Robert Santoro, 43, and his 7-year-old son Dawson away from the flaming plane on July 1.
The brothers and their friends saw Lindsey in a ditch.
"We all started running towards the dog," Rene Herrera said. "We all took turns cradling it like a baby and we took it home."
The dog had a ruptured diaphragm and a broken leg, and underwent surgery at a Santa Barbara animal hospital Saturday, Jansen said.
Robert Santoro, who was flying the plane and was thrown from the aircraft along with Dawson before it came to rest, remained in critical condition in a Santa Barbara hospital after nearly having his leg severed in the crash, authorities said.
Karen Santoro, 43, and 5-year-old son Ian were killed.
Dawson Santoro had only minor injuries.
"The family's gone through hell on earth, and this is one tiny bright spot," Jansen said. "We can give the family a 55-pound piece of good news."

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