We've been on blogging hiatus, here at
harveyandluna, but we're back.
When LAST we weighed in, our moms were packing to leave for the 76th General Convention of the Episcopal Church in Anaheim. We missed them while they were gone but our Aunt Stasia took VERY good care of us.
Our job was to "hold down the fort" while they were gone:

As you can see, we did a VERY good job! (Well, at least we held down the
Everyone was home together for a couple of weeks and then it was VACATION time ... and the moms headed off to visit family in someplace called "Colorado."
There was SOME discussion about taking us along ... and we were game for an adventure. But the more they researched into the reality of road trips with dogs, the more they ran into things that looked like this:
So we stayed here holding down the fort again while they drove all the way to Denver and back.
Now, we DID find out that while they were there, they were "seeing other dogs" ...
Like our Uncle Fred's lab Lily ...

... and our cousin Fred's golden retriever Cooper. (Yep, two Freds on that side of the family. Kind of confusing -- but at least we can tell the dogs apart!)

But we're OK with that ... as long as they come back home to us! So they had a great visit and we did ANOTHER great job holding down the fort and couch.
WHILE they were gone, however, Juno came up with an owie in her eye. They thought it was a scratch or a foxtail or an infection of some kind, so they've spent the last two weeks chasing her around trying to get drops and ointment in her eye and going back and forth to the vet.
Today they took her to a specialist (doggie opthamologist) and it turns out it wasn't an owie after all ... it's GLAUCOMA!
And that's a really bad thing.
At this point Juno can't see at all out of her left eye and now we need to keep a VERY close eye on her right eye so the same thing doesn't happen to
(Which unfortunately it probably will eventually because she's got something called a "genetic predisposition.") The vet said it could be a few months or a few years before another episode and the moms are -- of course --
totally bummed. In the meantime it will be more eye drops. And more vet visits. And lots of research on what to do to keep her as comfortable as she can be in spite of her eye problems.
But at the moment, we're both resting comfortably ...

... and grateful for good vets and moms who take care of us -- no matter what.
. .
Stay tuned!