Here's me ... watching where we're going ...
... and here's Luna, keeping track of where we just went. (We're a TEAM, I tell you!)
So here's what the adventure is about: Tomorrow, right down Colorado Boulevard where we drive ALL the time the world will be watching (our moms tell me) when the ROSE PARADE comes to town!
Here's the Norton Simon Museum getting ready for the big day ...
... and these bleachers are set up ALL the way down the street for all the people who will come to see the parade. (ALSO set up are these little houses ... which my mom says are a REALLY important ingredient in a successful parade!)
There are already news cameras set up ... this one is the peacock one ... the one where the guy from Al from The TODAY Show is going to be tomorrow morning to tell us about the parade on TV...
And here's some "local color" ... one of the buildings along the street decorated for the New Year Comin'.
I thought this was really cool ... we've still got some of our ornaments up around our house, too, so I liked that it that Colorado Blvd is still decorated, too.
As you can see, we were not the ONLY one's whose moms said, "Hey, let's go look at the tourists sitting out on the sidewalk getting cold waiting for the parade!"
It'll be the lead story on all the local news shows (like this is not actually NEWS people ... truth is, they do this EVERY year, but what the heck ... they've got to report on SOMETHING now that that election is finally behind us!)
Some people were shopping...
Some had staked out their spot and were just waiting for the party to start ... Happy New Year, Lady!
The smart ones (my mom said) were the ones with the motorhomes ...
But this lady seemed to be doing just fine out there holding down the fort for the rest of her family ... (kinda going to be a long time before any floats or bands, though ... I hope she has some other blankets somewhere!)
This lady was catching up on the newspaper ...
But this was our favorite waiting-for-the-parade-lady ... we call her Laptop Lady. We wondered if maybe she was writing HER dog blog about the parade right there in the middle of Sierra Madre Blvd!
Here endeth our behind-the-scenes, dogs'-eye-view of New Year's Eve, Pasadena Style. So -- from Luna & Juno -- live from beautiful downtown Rose Parade Central ... ... we wish you all a VERY

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